This article is about how people who haven’t stayed true to themselves have not stayed true to themselves, which in turn has lead to consequences in their personal and professional lives. However, we have to wonder; isn’t it normal to daydream? Isn’t it normal to want to be rich, successful, and famous? Isn’t that the dream. This article even states that slightly overrating ourselves is psychologically healthy, and that it can actually give us the self confidence that we need to be successful.
Perhaps this article makes a point, but that's just it. It's just a point. I believe just like everything else, too much of it can be a bad thing. Self deception can cost us a lot more than it can give. For example, if we start telling people that we have learned how to code a website even though someone else did it, other people will take notice to that and respond positively and we are filled with a sense of accomplishment. But that is only until our website expertise/advice is asked of us, and then suddenly we are left looking foolish.