Friday, February 8, 2013

Psychology - Contadeluci - Post 3

This article is all about the attachment theory, which is defined as specific behaviors that individuals have. An example would be a child trying to find his/her their parents when they feel scared or in danger because they associate their parents with safety and are thereby attached to their parents.

I think this particular psychology article is interesting because it shows us what person or object we generally go to if we feel threatened, happy, sad, or angry. For instance we may go to our significant other to feel happy. We may go to our parents or closest friend if we feel sad or angry. We will go a police officer or person with a high authority if we feel threatened. It is like a “psychological gravity,” as the article puts it. We are unconsciously drawn to someone or something over and over again, because it is what we were taught how to do as children which the article refers to as our “formative years.”

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